Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday Lunch @ Home

This was lunch yesterday. Something whipped out in less than 20 minutes.

Tumeric pork chops with homestyle cha jiang mian with tomato, chilli and parsley salad.

It's something really really easy to make. Quick description on how to make it.

The pork has been marinated for 2 days in the fridge, stored in a vacuum container. It's marinated with tiny bit of corn flour, soy sauce, abalone sauce, pepper and tumeric powder. So all I did was to take it out and pan fry it with one tablespoon of oil.

While the meat's on the pan, leave it to brown. Do not need to keep turning it. Use the time to cut up the tomatoes, chilli and thai parsley. Mix up the salad with juice of 5 limes.

The keropokman 'cha jiang mian' is a taste that was made up while eating out. Sis and I imagine the taste of food and we try to make a quick version similar to it.

The 'mian' is spaghetti, the thinner version. Use Barilla, it always turns out better in all the taste test that I serve. The sauce is the 'mushroom and pork mince with bean paste'. It's the one that comes in a small tin, imported from China that many Asians grew up eating. After spaghetti is done (al dente or not, up to you), mix in some sesame oil and one and a half tablespoon of the paste in it. Give it a good stir and it's yummy!.

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ar zhou said...

Nicely presented!

Ms One Boobie said...


Unknown said...

Looks delish...yum!

southernoise said...

so when is your turn to invite me over? pork marinated for 2 days sounds yummy!

Kenny Mah said...

I'm so with you on Barilla... it's what my Italian friends use also, so you know it's authentic as far as non-fresh/dried pasta is concerned. :)

Unknown said...

arzhou, mamabok, ohsolicious,
thanks :-)

when you want to come over? hehe..

It's just like grand pianos eh? Steinway always sounds so much better! LOL..

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