Aunt loves entertaining and we love being entertained. She cooked for another 'set' of relatives, and we were invited as well. It was another feast for she cooked what the guest wanted to eat. (ya, orders were placed. haha..)
Here's her version of Sweet and Sour pork. It's topped with pomegranates.
Her rendang. Spicy and so tender.
Just tell the butcher you want it for cooking rendang and they will tell you which cuts of meat is good and they will cut it for you too.
The 'ngo hiong' that my cousin helped aunt rolled.
You can see the ingredients right, big chunks and full of prawns and pork.
The Nai Bai stir fried.
The home made Sio Bak. The skin on top is extra crispy. :-)
This is the Duck Feet Web, Sea Cucumber, etc Mixed Dish.
We all feel so Blessed to have an aunt who loves and feeds us so well. :-)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
CNY's Dinner @ Aunt's Kitchen
Friday, January 30, 2009
Siam Kitchen @ Parkway Parade
This is a continuation after yesterday's Yee Sang.
The food we ordered was served after they cleared the big Yee Sang platter. We were already full after all the vegetables! Luckily we had foresight and ordered the following to be shared. It's might be difficult if you are out with friends or colleagues, but with your own family, it is easy. ;-)
The kind waitress gave us a plate each and we just scoop a bit each from this individual portion dishes. The Olive Rice, that was quite lovely, though a tiny bit oily.
The Phad Thai's not bad too.
The Thai Fried Chicken's not too shabby, but as you can see a bit oily.
The salted fish bean sprout's salty. LOL. We ordered two bowls of white rice to eat with this.
The Beef Soup Noodle's salty but quite flavourful. It has lots of bean sprouts which I like. :-)
The green curry's quite thick and nice too.
We had two bowls of individual Seafood Tom Yam soup to share.
Err, I am not a fan of this kind of pancake, so I shall not comment. ;-p
Maybe more prawns would be better?
But I like the coconut ice cream. It was our cousin's order, but we all had a tiny scoop or two from her bowl.
Eating tiny amounts of food from different plate can be quite filling!
Siam Kitchen
Parkway Parade
80 Marine Parade Road
Singapore 449269
Tel: 6342 1588
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Yee Sang @ Siam Kitchen
Was accompanying dad and mum and our uncle and aunty and cousin to visit our grandma's cousin at Marine Parade. This grandaunt can really really talk! Anyway, it was interesting listening to her stories. LOL...
After the annual visit, we thought we will have lunch nearby. We popped by Parkway Parade, and wondering around settled on Siam Kitchen.
We saw the Yee Sang and thought why not? So, here it is, it might be the first Yee Sang I had in a halal establishment. The waitress was a Malay and she read out the 'auspicious phrases' as she poured the ingredients over. She must have practiced her chinese! (We can invite our Malay friends here for Yee Sang!)
The colourful ingredients....
The Salmon being added - "Nian nian you yu" (Abundance of leftover every year)
The "oil" was poured - "Soon Soon Li Li" (Smooth sailing in the things that you do)
The "plum sauce" was poured - "Tian Tian Mi Mi" (Sweet as Honey)
The crunchy crackers poured - "Huang Jin Man Tang" (Gold Nuggets all over)
The pepper and spices. (I forgot what they said) haha...
We then 'tossed' the salad. It might be the cleanest we ever had. No spillage and also the first time we finished everything. It's either we are really hungry or this mix was delicious. We never seem to have finished our Yee Sang before!
Siam Kitchen
Parkway Parade
80 Marine Parade Road
Singapore 449269
Tel: 6342 1588
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Chinese New Year Breakfast
I was not around in Singapore for the Lunar New Year. All the children and grandchildren traveled across the causeway to have reunion dinner back with parents and grandparents.
It's quite funny that we only get to see our other cousins back in Malaysia at grandma's place, though many of us live here in Singapore. We seldom visit each other face to face, but only exchange messages on Facebook (sigh...)
These yummy food photos in Malaysia wont be appearing here. haha.. Not eaten in Singapura. LOL...
Anyway, back in Singapore and we had this for breakfast. Bee Hoon with pig innards, duck web and abalone peppery soup.
This is the traditional dish on my mum's / aunt's side. The "Pek Ker" (Rice Cakes) that the Heng Hua people have.
Wishing all a Blessed Lunar New Year.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tang Dian Wang @ Bukit Panjang Plaza
This was one of our family lunches we had one Sunday afternoon. We were at Bukit Panjang Plaza and was wondering what to eat and we saw this new place called Tang Dian Wang. (I think there was a restaurant with a different name the last time we were here) We decided to try it out.
The Shanghai Siew Mai. Shanghai Siew Mai's stuffed with glutinous rice.
We had two kinds of lotus leaf rice to feed the few of us.
This is the one with Lap Cheong (Chinese sausages). Half of us seem to like this.
The other half like this one instead. Also glutinous rice, but it has a fragrance of orange peel and it's pork pieces instead of sausages.
Our cousin like the steamed chicken. She had a bowl of white rice to go with her favourite chicken. It's warm too.
For the namesake of this place, we ordered their soup. The soup comes in this nice pots and they will serve us. This was the soup of the day. Old Cucumber Soup. Yummy.
We also had some dumplings. They are quite nice.
And Hae Zhor. (Prawn nuggets) They were quite good too. The inside's not dry at all, but very moist.
We also tried an orange chicken. Very fruity!
A nice place with nice food.
Tang Dian Wang
Bukit Panjang Plaza
#02-27 to #02-32
1 Jelebu Road
Singapore 677743
Tel: 6892 6953
Monday, January 26, 2009
The 360 Restaurant and Bar @ East Coast Park
This was a birthday dinner we had few weeks ago. One friend wanted to try out The 360 Restaurant at East Coast Park, so we booked a place for 5.
The view is good here, but the food's so so only lah. You get to see skiers skiing in the lagoon. (Cable Skiing). We realise that most people were just enjoying their drinks here.
For the food, here's what we had:
Calamari Rings.
Chicken Wings
Momo had the Cajun chicken. She did not really like it though.
Dino the birthday girl had Fish and Chips.
Our two other friends had the Burger each. It looks good and huge.
But it's a tad too salty though.
I had curry chicken. The curry's quite nice.
The rice, keropok and egg that goes with the curry.
A nice place to drink and for views. Food's so so lah.
The 360 Restaurant and Bar
1206A East Coast Parkway
Singapore 449891
Tel: 6442 5718
Hours: 11.30 AM - 11 PM (Weekdays), open till midnight on Friday, Saturdays and Eve of Public Holidays.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Old Hong Kong Kitchen @ Square 2 Novena
Ms Internal Security wanted to have dinner with Dino as Dino couldnt make it to dinner the last time we met. [Actually, i think its another opportunity to try out another place :P] But we all gladly agreed as we all wanted to try out new places too!

Overall, it was a good meal.
Old Hong Kong Kitchen
10 Sinaran Drive #02-76/91
Square 2,
Singapore 307506
Friday, January 23, 2009
Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe @ Orchard Cineleisure
Last week, went to watch Red Cliff 2 with a bunch of friends. The movie was at 7, so we could not have dinner first because everyone was rushing from work.
So after the movie, it was after nine, and we were all quite famish. (we still had appetite after all the bloodshed in the movie. haha..) We did not want to walk around, and the nearest food place that can seat the 10 of us was Xin Wang.
There are the 10 of us, but not everything we ordered was err nice. Everyone had lots of complaints and funny looks when the food came. But anyway, here's some of the food photos.
This curry is nice, thick and fragrant. Yes, only the curry. LOL...
The chicken, they are kind of tasteless. We passed the chicken around to a few person, and those who tried it said this chicken's most probably boiled separately and added in later. Sigh..
Well, the curry is not too bad, so you can still eat the curry (without the chicken) with rice.
Or if you like their soft bread. This bread is soft and nice and it sucks the curry like a piece of sponge. :-)
This peanut butter toast looks nicer. The person who ate it did not complain, so should be good.
This is what the 4 of us at one corner shared. The "ice kacang". (Forgot the name on the menu).
It's really huge! The people around us were looking at it.
Not sure about you all, but we are one of those who like to play with out food.
We pretend our spoons are excavators and we dig holes all around. This is the tunnel part.
This is the other side of the ice kacang. Our other friend digs from the top down. :-)
Then suddenly, the structure gave way, and our ice kacang collapsed! Aiyah!
Think this place is ok for desserts and toast. For food in this branch, only if you are really hungry. There's a lot of people here because it closes late. (24 hours on weekends)
We observed something though. When we went in, I think the average age of the people dining must have gone up by 5 years. haha...
(sigh, we are old....)
Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe
Cathay Orchard Cineleisure
8 Grange Road
Cathay Orchard Cineleisure #02-11
Singapore 239695
Tel: 65-6235 6480
Monday to Wednesday – 11am to 2am
Thursday and Sunday – 11am to 3am
Friday, Saturday and Eve of PH – 24hrs